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File handling

In workflows, files are handled by uploading files to bucket in AWS S3, and the using a pointer object to reference the file in workflows. The default bucket is workflow-file-uploads, except in development mode, in which case it is workflow-file-uploads-dev; in both cases the region is us-west-2.

The file pointer object takes the following formatting:

    "name": "[File name]",
    "url": "[Signed S3 URL]",
    "mime_type": "[File's mime type]",
    "expires": [Expiration time in seconds]


    "name": "galaxy.tif",
    "url": "",
    "mime_type": "image/tiff",
    "expires": 1570571246

API download / Falafel upload

Generally, when an API provides a download endpoint, one of falafel’s upload functions will need to be used. All three of the following upload promise functions will return a file pointer object when they resolve.

Note: all signed URLs return an expiry time of 6 hours.

CONNECTOR_FILE_REGION and CONNECTOR_FILE_BUCKET environment variables can be set to override the default region and bucket.

Unless the disableObjectAcl flag is set, the upload functions will create the S3 object with the access control list (ACL) property of bucket-owner-full-control. This means the owning AWS account of the target bucket will have access to the object even if the upload is being run from a different account.

The falafel.files.streamUpload accepts the following object:

    readStream: [A node read stream], //required
    name: '[File name]', //required
    length: [File size in bytes], //required
    contentType: '[Mime type of file]', //optional (falafel will attempt to derive it from name if not provided)

    bucket: '[AWS bucket]', //optional target bucket
    region: '[AWS region]',  //optional target region
    disableObjectAcl: // optional flag to disable S3 object ACL for bucket-owner-full-control


The falafel.files.streamMPUpload is the same as streamUpload, but does not require a length to be specified. However, this is less performant since the lack of content length information will default the AWS SDK to split the stream into 5MB chunks and upload them individually. Only use this if it is not possible to determine the content size beforehand without downloading the whole file to memory and/or local storage.


The falafel.files.upload accepts the following object:

    file: '[File path]', //required
    name: '[File name]', //required
    length: [File size in bytes], //required
    contentType: '[Mime type of file]', //optional (falafel will attempt to derive it from name if not provided)

    bucket: '[AWS bucket]', //optional target bucket
    region: '[AWS region]', //optional target region
    disableObjectAcl: // optional flag to disable S3 object ACL for bucket-owner-full-control

This function assumes the file is in local storage and will attempt to createReadStream from it; as such this is the least recommended upload option.

API upload / Falafel download

Generally, when an API provides an upload endpoint, one of falafel’s download functions will need to be used. Both of the following download promise functions expect a file pointer object to be passed in.


Both falafel.files.streamDownload and accept a second argument, needleOptions, which is an object that can be used to override the default needle options defined by falafel when downloading the file (except the output property for - falafel takes precedence for this property).

The falafel.files.streamDownload resolving with the following object:

	readStream, //A read stream of the file contents from S3
	name, //Name of the file
	mime_type, //Mime type of the file
	expires, //The expiry time in seconds
	size //The content length of the file

The resolving with the following object:

	file, //The file path in local storage
	name, //Name of the file
	mime_type, //Mime type of the file
	expires, //The expiry time in seconds
	size //The content length of the file

Similarly to falafel.file.upload, since this function requires keeping the file in local storage, this is the least recommended download option.

Note: when using, needle.get is internally used along with the output option; needle however only creates a file if the statusCode is 200. If a file needs to be created in the /tmp directory for non-200 statusCodes, use falafel.files.streamDownload.